Drive School & Association
Our Location

Dynamite Driving is an up-and-coming family-owned driving school. We offer the Oklahoma Driver License Tests 7 days a week until 7pm at night no need to miss work or school activities and Now Drivers Education Training in both English and Spanish. Our cars are equipped with both front and rear collision avoidance, Front and Interior dash cam and One of the only schools to offer Gas and Brake controls for the instructor. We are dedicated to the safety and training required in making sure you are thoroughly educated and comfortable behind the wheel in order to become a safer and more successfully driver! Don’t hesitate to call or email with any questions and don’t forget to schedule your appointment online today!
Dynamite Driving School Association DDSA
Is an organization started to help new driving schools in Oklahoma get the help and information that will allow their businesses to thrive. With our organization we can help the Driving Schools develop new Instructors for their schools. We are also working to development a Defensive Driving Instructor Program and Driver Safety Program.
Reduction in losses from auto related crashes
Appropriate state regulations on driver training schools
Growth opportunities for our businesses
Dynamite Driving School Association provides the opportunity for all driver education schools to have a collective voice by:
Providing a communication and information link to our members to be educated about important issues affecting our industry.
Building the public’s sense of pride and trust in driver training in our state through exemplary professional conduct.
Work with Service Oklahoma to ensure our industry has appropriate, consistent and reasonable regulations and policies that allow our commercial driving schools to provide a high level of education.
Work with community groups, agencies and legislators to bring about new regulations that make our roads and citizens safer
Provide membership benefits that help our member schools run better businesses!